Interior Minister Kouroumblis: Agreement does not mean co-governance

Gazzetta team
A call to the people of the traditionally democratic party to "rally with the clear mandate of September 20" for political stability, made Interior Minister Panagiotis Kouroumblis in an interview to "Real News" Sunday newspaper.

He underlined that "agreement does not mean co-governance but co-responsibility according to every one's role".

The clarification referred to a possible co-governance with Centrists Party or PASOK for which particularly said that "it seems unable to disengage from the agenda of the right".

He claimed that SYRIZA and Alexis Tsipras' views for broader social convergence reflect the new reality and those to insist to ignore it are probably interested in their personal political survival".

The Interior Minister also referred to the changes he prepares with the implementation of a model of a multilevel governance that will safeguard the political equality and the balanced growth, the change of the electoral law and the review of the structures while referring to the municipalities reserves in the Bank of Greece he noted "of course, if there are reserves the State should offer that opportunity to the local administration to use them whenever it wants, but also the local administration is not allowed to keep deposits in bank with lower interest of that offered by the Bank of Greece".