Mytilene: The Lieutenant of Hellenic Coast Guard Kiriakos Papadopoulos to be awarded by the Academy of Athens on December 22

Gazzetta team
Hellenic Coast Guard Lieutenant Kiriakos Papadopoulos, who with the help of his crew and rescue worker Zoi Livaditi has saved thousands of refugees and migrants in the Aegean sea, is to be awarded by the Academy of Athens, at a special congress on December 22.

The award is dedicated to the whole crew of the Coast Guard, because of the difficult work that the rescue workers had performed. Kiriakos Papadopoulos said to the Athens News Agency: ''After 20 to 30 times I realised that saving people's life is like breathing. You breath without counting your breaths." According to statistics and surveys, the number of refugees and immigrants coming by sea at Greece, had increased 1,873pct compared with 2014. During that period, Hellenic Coast Guard carried out 4,800 operations , in which 89,000 people were rescued, including 16,500 children and infants.