ND leader Meimarakis says SYRIZA deceived the Greek citizens

Gazzetta team
ND leader Meimarakis says SYRIZA deceived the Greek citizens
Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Evangelos Meimarakis on Wednesday sternly attacked the government claiming that it deceived the Greek people during its (SYRIZA) election campaign on the occasion of the tabling of the draft law on non performing loans in parliament.

Meimarakis in a statement points out that the government submitted in the middle of the night the bill on emergency procedure after agreeing with the lenders on its translation.

"The government proved again how much it deceived the Greek citizen in order to steal his vote. Because, unfortunately, starting from today thousands of Greeks are facing the risk of losing their home through foreclosure" noted Meimarakis and underlined that new taxes will be imposed and thousands of job positions are threatened".
He also referred to left inconsistency, irresponsibility and inertia.