Council of State cancels minister's decision revoking mining license for Hellas Gold

Gazzetta team
Council of State cancels minister's decision revoking mining license for Hellas Gold
The Council of State (CoS), Greece’s highest administrative court, cancelled on Monday a decision by the former Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panos Skourletis which revoked the operating license of mining company Hellas Gold in Chalkidiki, sources said.

According to the ministry, the revocation of the mining license had been decided because the company had violated a condition stating that the planned tests on deposits from the site of Olympias and Skouries had to be done on site, within the premises of the mines and not at Outotec in Finland.

In its first ruling, the CoS had said that the fact that these tests had taken place abroad was not enough to justify a revocation of the license. The full decision will be announced within this month.