IMF's Lagarde: debt restructuring necessary for Greek programme 'to fly'

Gazzetta team
IMF's Lagarde: debt restructuring necessary for Greek programme 'to fly'
In her first-ever online press conference on Wednesday, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde said a restructuring of Greece's public debt was one of four key elements needed in order for the programme to work.

"For any programme to fly, significant debt restructuring should take place," she said.

Lagarde presented four key 'legs' that a Greek programme must have to succeed. She said these included realistic fiscal targets, structural measures to open up the Greek economy and release its growth potential, sufficient financing to make the programme workable and last, a restructuring of the country's debt.

The IMF chief also insisted that the Greek government must have ownership of the new programme. When asked whether the Greek government will be able to implement a programme when it has publicly said it does not believe in, Lagarde said the IMF would look at "deeds, not creeds" and pointed out that what matters in the end are actions, not words.