Social and political consensus needed to deal with harsh measures, Parliament Vice President Mitropoulos says

Gazzetta team
Social and political consensus needed to deal with harsh measures, Parliament Vice President Mitropoulos says
Parliament Vice President Alexis Mitropoulos and SYRIZA deputy Alexis Mitropoulos on Friday, in statements to Mega TV, estimated that social conditions will worsen in autumn.

We have to deal with the most anti-social package ever drafted, he added.

From now on "we should be concerned about how we will manage this hard package with social and political consensus while at the same time continuing negotiating in order to limit the worst aspects of this package," Mitropoulos underlined.

As regards the political relation between the prime minister and the president of the Parliament, he said that "M. Konstantopoulou is a top choice of the Prime Minister" and estimated that if there is a problem, "they have to solve it together."