PM Tsipras appealed to SYRIZA MPs for unity, sources say

Gazzetta team
PM Tsipras appealed to SYRIZA MPs for unity, sources say
Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday appealed to his MPs to preserve unity within the party and its Parliamentary Group during the difficult, crucial and historic moments that lay ahead, government sources said.

Tsipras addressed SYRIZA MPs in a closed-door meeting of the Parliamentary Group, held ahead of a crucial vote on fast-tracked legislation demanded by Greece's creditors in order to begin talks on a 3rd Greek bailout.

The sources said that Tsipras fully acknowledged the issues, criticism, arguments and concerns voiced by MPs over the crushing austerity measures demanded by Eurozone leaders in Brussels, describing the situation and the efforts made by the government during the past months of negotiations, as well as the dilemmas that emerged.

He said that he had exhausted all negotiating options, examined all alternative solutions and invited any MPs that disagreed with him to present some real and credible alternative that he may not have thought of or implemented, faced with the situation that emerged.